It’s the first day of high school and although I am convinced that no nerves are negatively affecting me, as soon as my mother pulls up in the car loop, my body virtually transforms into the anxious and jumpy middle school child I was not too long ago. However, my mom assures me that I will do just fine and to keep my head up and so I would. As I stroll into my algebra II honors class (just a tad after the bell rings), I realize this is the beginning of my high school career… high school career… MY high school career.
In retrospect of my freshman year of high school, I recall being stressed, radiating joviality, at times feeling no interest of a social life, eating chocolate ice cream with strawberries as a power snack, and developing bonds and interests that are here to stay. Over the summer I had anticipated becoming involved in clubs (which have allowed me to meet congenial new people), excelling in my academics (which is rewarding beyond words), partaking in volunteering (which I become more fond of the more I do it), and so on the list goes. My goal was to be the best I could be and never back down from an obstacle solely because it was difficult to surmount, and so I did.
Yes, there were times that I asked myself Why are you putting yourself through this, is it even worth it? with tears brimming my eyes not having had a good night's sleep in a long time. I've come to find Yes, it is worth it.
I can’t wait for the next three years of high school, and beyond that. I must declare that it is quite the experience. The years go by faster than able to be perceived. High school is what you make of it. I had a great time because of my school spirit and myriad of diverse ambitions (striving to achieve them... and achieving them). I’ve managed to get straight A’s both semesters, be class president, and win awards in JROTC, HOSA, yearbook, and more.
There was a lot on my plate, and I loved every second of it.
Advice for anyone? Do your best, and never forget that you are capable of greatness when your heart is put into what you aspire.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore, excellence is not an act. It is a habit.” -Aristotle
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