Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stress + Stress + Stress = High School

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I'm sure that every single high school student out there had a moment in their life where they just wanted to scream.

High school causes a lot of pressures and they can be UNBEARABLE!
Getting into college
Being a "cool cat"
Good SAT & ACT scores
Peer pressure

That's just the beginning of the list. If i sat here and wrote them all down it would take me all week. And as shown in the list, I don't think any of us have time to write or even read a list that long.

So, how do any of us survive this stress? I use my stress reduction kit that I got for $19.95 (shipping & handling not included).

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Just kidding! Please do not try using the "bang head here" method, it really does not work!
There is really no way to reduce stress. It's all about time management and organization.
Time manage everything so you don't have 987654321 things to do. Get your priorities straight!

Organize EVERYTHING: backpack, pencil case, desk, etc.
If you don't, you'll end up feeling like her!

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That's about all the tips I have. I still struggle, but isn't that's what high school is all about?
Disagree? Have more tips to add? Comment! (:


  1. Loving this post, couldn't have come at a better time *glares at mile-long To Do list*
    The pictures made it even more comical!

  2. I loved this blog ! It's honest, with a funny twist to it ! :) And great photos to match your blog !
